Project: ContactSh

ContactSH is a desktop app for managing contacts, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, ContactSH can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Code contributed:

The code I contributed can be found here

Implemented functionality to view tasks of a specified person

  • What it does: Allow users to view task list of specified person using either a mouse-click, or a CLI command.
  • Justification: One of the core functionalities of ContactSh.
  • Challenges: I had to link and modify different functionalities such as editing, removing and editing of tasks so that the GUI reflects the correct information.

Relevant PRs include: #49, #67

Implemented functionality to view all person’s tasks

  • What it does: Allow users to view all person’s tasks in a single list.
  • Justification: Implemented using TreeView JavaFx control as it was the best choice, however implementation was hard as I had to design my own algorithm to ensure the TreeView structure is modified correctly whenever commands which modified tasks were made.
  • Challenges: I had to link and modify different functionalities such as editing, removing and editing of tasks so that the GUI reflects the correct information.

Relevant PRs include: #85

Implemented functionality to find tasks within the view all person’s tasks panel

  • What it does: Filter/narrow down the tasks they wish to see using keywords, when viewing all person’s tasks.
  • Justification: Important feature as it allows users the flexibility of viewing the tasks they want to see.

Relevant PRs include: #104

Implemented functionality to view overall tasks statistics

  • What it does:
    • View tasks completion statistics using a PieChart.
    • taskStatusChecker: A class which uses a thread to automatically check and update all task’s status (once every 5 seconds), such that users would not view outdated tasks completion information.
  • Justification: This feature aids the user experience as it is allows users to view useful up to date information regarding their tasks completion.
  • Challenges: The PieChart was hard to implement by itself and even harder to make it dynamic. I.e., Updates instantly whenever a task’s completion status is modified. I also had to link the taskStatusChecker to work with task viewing functionalities such that tasks updated automatically are reflected on the GUI correctly.

Relevant PRs include: #95

Implemented functionality to set when to remind users of tasks that are due soon

  • What it does: Sets when tasks are reminded to users that it is due soon. The input is the number of days prior to a task’s happening/due date.
  • Justification: Essential functionality as it allows the users to have the flexibility of when they are reminded that their tasks are due soon.

Relevant PRs include: #110

UI/UX contributions:

  • Designed and implemented the task list panel and statistics panel, both of which are core portions of the GUI.
  • Implemented split sliding panels to allow greater resize flexibility for users.

Team tasks/contributions:

  • Managed Releases: v1.2.1(trial release for v1.3), v1.3, v1.3.1(Revision of v1.3).
  • Created and Changed product icon, name for the GUI.
  • Maintained issue tracker: Created and managed issues in most milestones. Wrapped up milestones v1.3 and v1.3.1.
  • Refactored EditCommand, DeleteTaskCommand, DoneCommand, UndoCommand. #209, #220
  • Reviewed team members’ PRs regularly to ensure it upholds coding standards.


User Guide:

  • Added documentation for the features cat, cat -A. #20, #87
  • Added documentation for the feature reminder. #111
  • Added Table of contents, Introduction, Guide on using the UG and product Icon. #87, #116

Developer Guide:

  • Added user stories, product scope and target audience. #23, #195
  • Added Implementation for view tasks functionality. #73
  • Added delete tasks instructions to the testing manual.


  • Added more Junit tests for LogicManager and ModelManager. #54
  • Added more Junit tests for DeleteTaskCommand and DeleteTaskCommandParser. #56